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Corporate Training

Aims Community College
Corporate Training

Connecting the right people, with the right skills, at the right time.

The Corporate Training team delivers customized training solutions for workforce partners.  We will take the time to listen to your needs to create a customized solution to train you and your employees to ensure your business is operating smoothly.

Affordable options are available at any of our four northern Colorado campuses. Training is available from soft skills to very technical skills and delivered on-site or one of our campuses.

Insufficient Training Space? 

Not Any Longer! Our Amatrol Portable Learning Systems are the Answer! 

Training is now more in demand than ever before, but finding available training space is next to impossible.  We can now bring Learning systems to you with the portable Amatrol workstations that provide the same knowledge and skill outcomes as larger systems. Our Corporate Training program has five portable learning systems for each of the following industrial technology topics:

We will even help you find a way to pay!

We write and administer state-funded Colorado First and Existing Industry (CFEI) job training grants on behalf of companies. Grant funds are available for training both new hires (Colorado First grants) and current employees (Existing Industry grants)
We take pride in building long-term workforce partnerships with northern Colorado companies and helping enhance economic vitality throughout our community. Studies show that training and engagement increase productivity improves loyalty, reduces turnover, and enhances job satisfaction.

For more information, please contact or call (970) 378-3651 to reach a member of our team!
Aims Community College
Contact Us 

Continuing Education |  (970) 667-4611 
College for Kids | 
(970) 378-3665
CPR Training Center | (970) 893-9835
Corporate Solutions | (970) 339-6256

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