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Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss and Disease Prevention (Loveland)

ID : 17221   
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In this course, we will take a deep dive into Intermittent fasting and its benefits. We will cover several factors that influence the way our bodies work including; the water we consume, the toxins we are exposed to, and what causes relentless sugar/carb cravings. This class will provide you with all of the information to start intermittent fasting safely and for your bod and is meant to be interactive as we will start this intermittent fasting process together -as we learn, we will implement. This class will meet in-person every two weeks.

Topics will include:
  • What is fasting and its benefits - from intermittent fasting to extended
  • What is metabolic flexibility (how to switch on fat burning)
  • What is Ketosis
  • What is autophagy
  • What and how to do a real intracellular detox vs. a cleanse
  • How to fast to support women's cycles and hormones

Students will be invited to actively participate in a detox/cleanse which involves the suggestion of taking natural supplements to aid in the detox. The instructor will provide more information regarding the supplement option after you have registered. This is not mandatory in order to participate in the class.

What students are saying about this instructor:
“Christy was amazing. She shared her knowledge and recommendations and I learned so much in this class. I am so happy I took it!”
Call 970-667-4611 to register Send to Friend » Request More Info »

Class Details

5 Session(s)
Weekly(2) - Wed

Loveland Campus

Christy Thiel 



Please read:  This class meets in person on Feb 12, Feb 26, March 12, March 26, April 9



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
2/12/2025 - 4/9/2025 Weekly(2) - Wed 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM Loveland, Loveland Campus  Map, Room: 102 Christy Thiel  ClassRoom

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