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Add Primary Household Profile

Welcome to Aims Continuing Education

Creating a Household Profile & Registering Member(s) for Classes  

Please review these Registration Instructions before creating a new household account.
The person conducting the registration on behalf of the household enters his/her own information first. The next required screen will ask for information about individuals within the household that you are registering on behalf. Be sure to read each pop-up window and prompt carefully. Also, read the receipt carefully prior to finalizing payment; the names listed should be the names of the students taking the class.
If at any point in the process you are having concerns, please refer to our Contact Page to reach a member of our team. 
* denotes required information.

You will use your email address as your username on this site.
 Privacy Policy
Password: minimum 8 characters, must contain a number and any two of the following three: upper case, lower case, special characters (for example: (){}!@$%^&*)

If your company is not available in the list, select ** Add Company ** and you will be prompted to add your company's information after submitting this form.

Primary Address
Secondary Address

Additional phone

Type or area of employment.
E-mail Preference
Yes No
Receive course related info via e-mail?

Yes No
Are you a full-time Aims employee?
Yes No
Are you 55 years of age or older?
Nonbinary Spectrum
Have you ever been convicted of a sex offense as an adult or juvenile?*
Yes No
Are you currently required to register as a sex offender?*
Yes No

Continuing Education |  (970) 667-4611 
College for Kids | 
(970) 378-3665
CPR Training Center | (970) 893-9835
Workforce Development | 
(970) 378-3606

highlight above with curser